Monday, November 23, 2009

School Of Athens

Art can reflect what ever is happening in society by it's focal point, vanishing point and background, these concepts show us about the architecture in that time, people, buildings and these things can tell us about what time period this painting was painted in and what was happening in society in this time. In the School of Athens painted by Raphael you can tell that architecture was important in this time and that people were gaining knowledge about the world and its physics. The architecture stands out in this picture making it hard for the viewer to not see it. You can see that there are circular arches, symmetry and columns. The room in the background even looks as if there's a dome on top of it. This technique of architecture was used a lot in the Renaissance in Florence. Raphael reflected the rebirth of classical architecture during the renaissance in his art. Raphael also painted people on the corners studying many different things, on the bottom right corner you can see a group of scientists holding up a globe and they're all discussing probably about science and the world. On the bottom left corner you can see a group of mathematitions all working and some are discussing their "discoveries". During the Renaissance lots of knowledge was brought back up again "reborn". Raphael is showing this by painting groups of people discussing their discoveries and discussing about the world/science. This was happening in the Renaissance itself in many places where information was regained and a few of the people who discovered things are painted here by Raphael. Raphael was reflecting society in his painting by painting the technique of classical architecture which was reborn used during the Renaissance and also painted many people discovering things and spreading the world, which was also happening in the Renaissance where everything was being reborn.

If i were a part of this painting I would imagine myself as the mathematition on the bottom left, on the floor with a beard and a bald head writing in a book, Pythagorus. Like Pythagorus who was good at math and liked math, I also too like math. Pythagorus discovered theories revolved around mathematics enhancing the subject, I admire this because coming up with a complicated theory which gives you the answer to something is really hard to do, I also have used the Pythagorean Theorem earlier in my life. Pythagorus was not only a mathematition but also a scientist, like me, I also like science and finding out how things work and why. Pythagorus also made an math equation on musical notes, he involved almost everything he could with math, which I also do, to make things much more easier to me because I really understand math and he did too. I could really imagine myself as Pythagorus if I were in this picture studying off from a book and teaching other people about it.

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