Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Lost Boys of Sudan

The documentary, "Lost Boys of Sudan" is a story about Santino and Peter struggling in Sudan with everyone being killed due to the civil war, wildlife and starvation. They had no where to go. They fled to Ethopia where they were held in Refugee camps. But the problem of Sudan slowly drifted into Ethopia, whilst Ethopia was having their own problems within their own country and couldn't add more problems just to help the Sudanese orphaned children and the Sudanese people with their trouble. The country stopped them from fleeing into Ethopia and out of their country into Kenya. Loads of them died crossing the Gilo river with many people shooting, crocodiles and some didn't know how to swim and drowned. In Kenya, the lost boys found out that they were going to have a chance to go to heaven, America and Peter was thrilled to have the chance to be educated and hope for a better life for him and his family back in Sudan who he never forgets about. Sudan is very important to him and he doesn't forget his family and roles in his family while trying to assimilate into the American culture. This makes Peter a very unique man and making him stand out, out of all the lost boys in America.

Life for Peter in America was a bit odd for him as they were completely new to the American culture and didn't know how to do numerous things and what to do, when to do them and where to do them. All they knew was that they were in the "heaven" of Earth and they were excited to be there with loads of food and a good shelter. This was like a dream come true for the lost boys. They thought of America, as a heavenly place which you will love, but as they stayed there for a bit longer, they realized how hard it is to live a sustainable life to support yourself, to pay the rent, get educated and help your family back home at Sudan, and make sure they're getting money and education there and not to forget about Sudan. This is really hard for Peter as he is in his senior year in high school from 7:00 in the morning till 3:30 in the afternoon and basically spends the rest of his day on homework and feeding himself. He does homework till 1:00 am in the morning and repeats this everyday. But Peter is successful to help his family back home and doesn't forget his culture at all. He's a careful man who loves Sudan with all his heart and his family and tribe and will never forget them. They mean a lot to them. It was for them he came to America to help himself and the others back home in Sudan. Peter has to assimilate to the American culture which is very difficult for him at first but slowly easily fits in into their culture without pushing the Sudanese culture out of their minds. Whereas on the other hand, Santino struggles a bit more assimilating into the American culture. Peter gets friends, plays basketball and gets good grades with a good education in Kansas city. Some difficulties for Peter was getting a girlfriend. When he was with all his friends they would all be with a girl and he would feel left out without anyone by his side, and that was a challenge for him. Another difficulty for Peter was education, in the beginning when the arrived in America, Peter realized he wasn't gaining any education and what he was doing wasn't going to help everyone back in Sudan much. When he realized this, he decides to move to Kansas and solve his problem by going to school and helping out everyone back in Sudan. Before going to school, Peter had some difficulties with friends, money, language, jobs and robbery. But slowly solves all of these problems by moving from Houston, Texas and moving into Kansas going to high school over there and gaining education. and by playing lots of basketball. With this he got lots of friends. He was also determined to join the basketball team, even though he tried his best and put all his effort into it, he didn't make it. But that didn't stop him from playing basketball, he still plays basketball with all his friends and always tries his best to achieve whatever he can. Peter was surely a successful and unique lost boy who came through a long, stressful, compressed and rocky journey all the way from Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya and made his way to America. He was a very determined man who almost never gave up, and never forgot about his home country and did what he was supposed to do in America.

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